The MichaelLeroi Murders

I am always a fan of Bad Creepypasta much like everyone else,but I have found something out that may surprise all you fans of MichaelLeroi . I work for the police and I was sent to work a case called The Michael Leroi murders (It was a massive punishment for fucking up a case to do with an evil sonic game). Anyway me and my sister Valerie ,Valerie Hudson, were working on this case and she mentioned a story named Tails Doll vs Squidwards Suicide and then I remembered the videos by MichaelLeroi called Bad Creepypasta. While working on this case I asked my boss (His name was Boss can I have some pens) if he had any leads, he said that there were numbers on all 6 of the victims and also how the murder weapon (a knife) sounded like it has no reason.
On the crime scene of the murders the victims computers had been destroyed COMPLETELY but a video was found on their pc's called BADCREEPYPASTA.EXE. The next day was (toffee) crisp and dry so I went to my dodgy second hand game shop and decided I was going to buy my favorite game (which I didn't own) called Warm Buttery Borderlands. When I went to buy it the man said "Your going to regret this" I was angry because of the spelling of you're, anyway after I brought the game I went home and Valerie ,Valerie Hudson, asked me what I had. I was so offended so I stabbed her. Anyway I put the game in my pc and a popup came up and it said BADCREEPYPASTA.EXE,it turns out that the game WAS A VIDEO WOAHHHHH.
The video started with Matt and Toby sitting on a sofa,until Jacob opened the door,get on the floor,everybody walk the dinosaur. Jacob then said "THAT'S IT YOU TWATS I'VE HAD ENOUGH" Toby said "Who pissed in you're golden grahams". Jacob then tryed to attack Toby but failed due to massive mind loss. Matt then said "Jacob take a chill pill" Jacob then attacked Matt with the scariest weapon ever,lazers.Toby then ran to Matt and said "I have good news and bad news" "Can I hear the good news first" said Matt "The good news is that there is no good news,but the bad news is that you're heart is missing". Jacob then screamed with PASSION "RAGHHHHHH WHY CANT ANYONE USE THE RIGHT ENGLISH IN THIS DAMN STORY" He then killed Toby. A loud scream came out of my speakers and an image came up on my computer (I'm not telling you the image,you have to work for your scares) This was as traumatizing as when my pet chao named Quare died. While being spooked out I heard a voice that sounded like Jacob say "I AM THE FIRST BANANA" I was rly scared and I slowly turned around and saw a plushie, a bloody spy plushie. I was then murdered and then became spoopy skeleton to write this.Apparently the MichaelLeroi murders were solved without my useless help. But this was only the beginning because this will get worse